Google Pixel 9 series is owed to be launched on August 14th in India just a day after its global launch. Though Flipkart has clarified the availability of these smart phones new teaser hints that we may get only two phones namely Pixel 9 Pro XL and Pixel 9 Pro Fold. This time, Google is expected to release a total of four phones, at the minimum on a worldwide basis. But it seems that only two of the four variants will be available in India.
Let us discuss scome key higglights.There is already a page on FlipKart with words “Coming Soon: Pixel 9 Pro XL & Pixel 9 ProFold” inscribed on the header.Rather surprisingly, teaser implies we won’t be getting the standard Pixel 9 and Pixel 9 Pro in India.On the official site of Google India Store, there also is information regarding the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro Fold.
Google Pixel 9 and Google Pixel 9 pro missing the Indian market?
- Flipkart has a separate microsite for the Pixel 9 series. It has been updated enumerating the future phones but in the teaser image one can see only two phones – Pixel 9 Pro XL and Pixel 9 Pro Fold.
- This has an implication that what Google is going to launch is not the vanilla Pixel 9, and the mid-range Pixel 9 Pro.
- It’s not a confirmation but it as a given that Flipkart is Google’s official online retailer in India so it makes the speculation plausible.
- However, on Google Store India their website refers to this smartphone as Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Por Fold, not Pixel 9 Pro XL.
- It is believed that both the Pixel 9 Pro and the Pixel 9 Pro XL will carry the exact design and configuration at the back part where a triple camera will be installed.
- Of them, it is the vanilla Pixel 9 that would stand to look different with the brochure’s dual-camera module.
- In less than 48 hours we will be witnessing the Pixel 9 series launch in India and we will see what Google is up to.
Read Also key specifications of Google Pixel 9 Pro XL revealed as it spotted on Geekbench